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English Composition II

General Guide to Resources for Literary Criticism

Student Learning Outcomes


Subject Guides such as this one were designed to support your class assignments and learning outcomes. You may revisit this guide to help you in this class and other classes. Feel free to explore the other Subject Guides and other LibGuides to learn more about different topics you are studying and that interest you. - Lori Warren, Instructional Services Librarian

Visit our English Composition I Subject Guide to review what you learned and utilized to complete your essays and required research paper in ENGL 1010. Here are some of the skills you learn in ENGL 1020:

  • Critical analysis of written texts, which may include non-fiction, fiction, poetry,and/or drama
  • Terms and concepts to aid discussion of written texts and the value of their study, as appropriate for the genre
  • Writing for an audience, and writing techniques that are focused on analysis and/or argument
  • Oral and written responses to study of written texts
  • Research and documentation methods

As students you were asked to demonstrate your ability to:

  • Read and discuss various written texts with increased comprehension
  • Identify and explain the major elements, devices, techniques, or positions within a written text as appropriate to genre
  • Analyze, both orally and in writing, selected written texts
  • Demonstrate a clear understanding of research and documentation methods
  • Demonstrate careful college writing techniques