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Student Learning Outcomes


Subject Guides such as this one were designed to support your class assignments and learning outcomes. Feel free to explore the other Subject Guides and other LibGuides to learn more about different topics you are studying and that interest you.

- Lori Warren, Instructional Services Librarian

Here are some of the skills you may learn in various art courses and apply to other future courses:

Learning Outcomes- Students will demonstrate the ability to:

  • Analyze significant primary texts and works of art, ancient, pre-modern, and modern, as forms of cultural and creative expression.
  • Explain the ways in which humanistic and/or artistic expression throughout the ages expresses the culture and values of its time and place.
  • Explore global/cultural diversity.
  • Frame a comparative context through which they can critically assess the ideas, forces, and values that have created the modern world.
  • Recognize the ways in which both change, and continuity have affected human history.
  • Practice the critical and analytical methodologies of the Humanities and/or Fine Arts.